11 Minute Life Changing Meditation|Kirtan Kriya

Over the past several years, I have gone through some amazing, transformational shifts that have led me on a beautiful journey. I have learned how to let go of stress and open up to the divine vibration. This change has allowed me to live the life of my dreams. And meditation has been one of the strongest tools to help me get there.
I recorded this meditation on the tropical island of Koh Phangan, Thailand after trekking deep into the palm tree jungle to a secret waterfall. Thailand is the land where my dreams awakened into reality. I first traveled to Thailand for a yoga and meditation retreat in 2008-2009. There I experienced a spiritual transformation. After that trip, I knew my life as it was before, was never to be again. It was then that meditation became a daily practice for me and I burst wide into my spiritual awakening.
Kiran Kriya is my #1 favorite and meditation. It was one of the first meditations taught by the Kundalini yoga master, Yogi Bhajan back in 1969. He said if all other meditation technologies were lost, this one mediation would be enough to carry us through the Aquarian Age. Which is the age and time we are living in now.
There are so many benefits to this meditation. It works on clearing the psyche and is an incredibly powerful spiritual cleanser. It has the power to break patterns and addictions, lifts brain fog, increases memory and reorients the mind allowing the possibility of transformational change. Whatever you need at the moment, it will readjust and align you, bring balance into your mind and thus your life.
Just last year, during one of my “life storms”, I practiced this meditation for 40 days straight. The results were miraculous. Everything that was going wrong spun on it’s heels. All that needed to be released, gently melted away. I emerged with clarity, vibrance and joy.
How to do it:
This is the 11 minute version. It can also be done for shorter or longer times. During particularly stressful times, it should be done for at least 11 minutes every day.
You chant the mantra
Sa, Ta, Na, Ma while simultaneously incorporating the below mudras (hand positions)
- SA, press the thumb and the index finger together
- TA, and press the thumb and the middle finger together
- NA, and press the thumb and the ring finger together
- MA, press the thumb and the pinky finger together
As you do this, visualize the energy coming into the crown chakra from the top of the head and out through the third eye. In an L shape
Do the above series, with the mantra and mudra first for
2 minutes OUT LOUD, then
2 minutes in an audible WHISPER, then
3 minutes chant SILENTLY while continuing with the hands, and mouth moving, then
2 minutes WHISPER and
2 minutes OUT LOUD
Release the mudra. Inhale deeply, suspend breathe 30 seconds
Exhale eyes remain closed, breath normally for 30 seconds
Inhale, stretch arms up over-head and shake
I invite you to try it. Whether you practice it once, occasionally or for 40 days, we’d love to hear from you. Let us know your experience with it.