Angels, Chakras, Guides & Generosity | My Healing Session for Hay House Radio Host Cynthia Occelli and her Beautiful Mother
Posted: June 17, 2014
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Recently, one of my favorite Hay House Radio authors and radio host, Cynthia Occelli wrote an entire article about my healing services in her blog.
The feature brought me to tears. Tears of joy and tears of memories. I first came across Cynthia Occelli first via her inspiring blog and Hay House radio show just over a year ago. Her message rose up bright and shiny from the congested communiqué of the internet and airwaves. Inspiring and up-lifting. Real and authentic. She always seemed to say what I needed to hear. Listening to her voice on the radio was like listening to a respected friend.
And then one day her Facebook post struck another familiar note with me. But one that sang a sad tune in my heart. Cynthia’s mother had fallen ill. I could hear the tears in her brave words. Now let me first start by saying, this women does not need any sympathy. She has the spirit of a warrior-ess. She is the kind of woman who will take on any battle, single-handedly. I know this from her back story which she openly speaks about in her book, “Resurrecting Venus” as well as on her show and blog. Yet my heart ached for my cyber sister her and her mother.
You see, I too have walked in those shoes. Seven years ago, my father ascended into the celestial realms after a 13 year battle from ALS. My family and I valiantly carried our swords of love and light to the field during my father’s dance with this disease. My dear mother, barely 4 feet 8 inches tall immediately took on the role as sergeant in command. With the essence of Florence Nightingale meets Joan of Arc, she helped to keep my father alive and spirited for 13 years until he made his transition.
During that time, we never asked for help. Standing tall and proud, we tried to take on the battle alone. But as they say, “it takes a village”. And thankfully, were blessed with the kindness and generosity of several earth angels who each helped my family with their gifts of kindness.
So when I learned about Cynthia’s mother, I heard the calling to serve. It was now my turn to offer my time, my kindness. And I am so honored that she accepted. Cynthia’s mother reminds me of my father. Strength, grace, elegance come to the forefront of my mind. Even in the dark time of uncertainty, there is a glow about her. Looking at her is like looking at an angel of light. May we all hold a candle for Cynthia and her mother.
Chakras, Angels, Guides & Generosity: My Mom's Energy Healing Visit
โพสต์โดย LIFE by Cynthia Occelli บน 10 มิถุนายน 2014
I invite you to read the whole article by clicking here: “Chakras, Angels, Guides & Generosity My Mom’s Healing Visit”. And if you would like to learn more about and learn to rise up to your feminine power, hop over to her web-site Cynthia Occelli Resurrecting Venus
If you would like to experience a healing session, feel free to contact me for a free consultation. I can work with you in person or via the phone or Skype.
I would love to hear your experiences with spiritual and alternative healing. Let us know on the comments below. And if you think someone you know would be inspired by this blog, please share.
Shine On!