The Year of the Wooden Horse

Welcome the Chinese New Year of the Wooden Horse
And brace yourself because she’ll be galloping off on the fast track!
The Wooden Horse year commences on the new moon, January 30. Off comes the skin from 2013’s Year of the snake, as we shed our of past and transform into new. In this birth / rebirth cycle, we also emerge from the cycle of water, an introspective time where we dove deep within our souls and searched our inner spirit for our destined path and authenticity. Fresh and clear, we now emerge from the waters ready to leap into our new path.
Focus and Action
The time to sit and reflect was last year. This year is the year for dedicated work, purposeful action. Be clear and sharpen your intuition bbecause the year of the horse moves with energy and vigor. It can be a prosperous year if you pay close attention to your inner guidance and careful not to go off on a tangent. Wild horses can be free spirited and independent… but they are also fast, so be mindful before wildly racing in a direction that may not be best suited for your highest good. With careful attention, this year can be a thrilling ride of rapid favorable outcomes in money, love and adventure. It is also a great year to take that exotic trip you’ve been thinking about.
Key Takeaways
Key takeaways… Stay clear, pay attention to your inner GPS and boldly shift forward. If it doesn’t feel right, it’s not. Keep focused, with your eye on your goal and victory is yours!